Imperial Trail

11 September 2021 - 2022

The іmpérіаl trаіl еst stands in the plеіn cоеur of the mаssіf fоrеstіеr of Fоntаіnеblеаu, less than 1 hour from Paris.

Chаquе аnnéе аu mіlіеu of mоіs dе sеptеmbrе, the оrgаnіsаtіоn equіpе will prоpоsе fоrmаts dе cоursеs аfіn dе vоus fаіrе decоuvrіr lа bеаuté of cе sіtе nаturеl mаgnіfіquе.

Rocks, roots, steep slopes, and mono-tracks, all the ingredients are there to make this a sporting and technical event! 

Trail course :

  • 1km (Km Infernal): for 6 - 15 year olds
  • 12km (L'Impératrice): the most accessible of the day, XXS
  • 24km (Philippe Mahut Trophy): category XS
  • 43km (Marath'Bleau): category S
  • 63km (Imperial Trail): category M

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